Saturday, June 8, 2013


Bahasa Indonesia


Dalam kenyataannya kepemimpinan dapat mempengaruhi moral dan kepuasan kerja, keamanan, kualitas kehidupan kerja dan terutama tingkat prestasi suatu organisasi. Para pemimpin juga memainkan peranan keritis dalam membuntuk kelompok, organisasi, atau masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Kemudian timbul pertanyaan : Apa yang membuat seorang pemimpin efektif ?. hamper semua orang, bila diajukan pertanyaanitu akan menjawab bahwa pemimpin yang efektif mempunyai sifat – sifat atau kualitas tertentu yang diinginkan. Sebagai contoh, karisma, berpandangan kedepan, intensitas dan keyakinan diri. Hal itu akan menjadi salah satu topik bahasan dalam bab ini.

                Bagaimana juga, kemampuan dan keterampilan kepemimpinen dalampengarahan adalah factor penting efektifitas manajer. Bila organisasi dapat mengidentifisikan kualitas – kualitas yang berhubungan dengan kepemimpinan, kemampuan untuk menyeleksi pemimpin – pemimpin efektif akan meningkat. Dan bila organisasi dapat mengidentifikasikan perilaku dan teknik – teknik kepemimpinan efektif, organisasi barang kali dapat mempelejeri berbagai perilaku dan teknik tersebut, oleh karna itu akan dicapai pengembangan efektif personalia dan organisasi.




Kepemimpinan adalah bagian penting manejemen, tetapi tidak sama dengan manajemen. Kepemimpinan merupakan kemampuan yang dipunyai seseorang untuk mempengaruhi orang – orang lain agar bekerja mencapai tujuan dan sasaran. Manajemen mencakup kepemimmpinan, tetapi juga mencangkup fungsi – fungsi lain seperti perencanaan, pengorganisasian dan pengawasan.

Kepemimpinan adalah sebuah keputusan dan lebih merupakan hasil dari proses perubahan karakter atau transformasi internal dalam diri seseorang. Kepemimpinan bukanlah jabatan atau gelar, melainkan sebuah kelahiran dari proses panjang perubahan dalam diri seseorang. Ketika seseorang menemukan visi dan misi hidupnya, ketika terjadi kedamaian dalam diri (inner peace) dan membentuk bangunan karakter yang kokoh, ketika setiap ucapan dan tindakannya mulai memberikan pengaruh kepada lingkungannya, dan ketika keberadaannya mendorong perubahan dalam organisasinya, pada saat itulah seseorang lahir menjadi pemimpin sejati. Jadi pemimpin bukan sekedar gelar atau jabatan yang diberikan dari luar melainkan sesuatu yang tumbuh dan berkembang dari dalam diri seseorang. Kepemimpinan lahir dari proses internal.

LEADERSHIP PAPERCHAPTER IA. INTRODUCTIONIn fact, leadership can affect morale and job satisfaction, safety, quality of work life and especially the level of achievement of an organization. The leaders also play a role in membuntuk keritis group, organization, or community to achieve their goals. Then comes the question: What makes an effective leader?. almost all the people, when presented pertanyaanitu will answer that effective leaders have a nature - nature or specific qualities desired. For example, the charisma, the view ahead, intensity and confidence. It's going to be one topic of discussion in this chapter.

How well, abilities and skills kepemimpinen dalampengarahan is an important factor for the effectiveness of managers. If an organization can mengidentifisikan qualities - qualities associated with leadership, the ability to select leaders - effective leaders will rise. And if the organization is able to identify behaviors and techniques - techniques of effective leadership, organizations can perhaps mempelejeri various behaviors and techniques, because it will be achieved by effective personnel and organizational development.

CHAPTER IIB. THEORY FRAMEWORKManejemen leadership is an important part, but not the same as management. Leadership is the ability of a person belonging to influence people - others to work toward goals and objectives. Management includes kepemimmpinan, but also covers functions - other functions such as planning, organization and supervision.Leadership is a decision and more a result of the process of change in the character or internal transformation within oneself. Leadership is not a position or title, but a birth of a long process of change in a person. When someone finds the vision and mission of his life, when there is peace within ourselves (inner peace) and form a solid character building, when every utterance and action began to give effect to the environment, and when its existence encourages changes in the organization, that's when a person is born a leader true. So the leader is not just a title or position is given from the outside but something that grows and develops from within oneself. Leadership born of internal processes. 

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Dangers of Drinking Water While Eating Ice After

Bahasa Indonesia :

Benarkah minum air es setelah makan itu bahaya? Minum es setelah makan ada manfaat adapula mudhorotnya. supaya lengkap kita bhas saja semuanya manfaat dan kerugian dari minum es setelah makan.

Manfaat Minum Air Es Setelah Makan

Setelah makan biasanya orang lebih memilih untuk minum air hangat ketimbang air es.
Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya mitos bahwa minum air es setelah makan bisa menyebabkan lemak menggumpal, sehingga tubuh akan jadi lebih gemuk atau perut menjadi buncit.

"Ini sebenarnya hanya mitos saja. Yang membuat perut jadi buncit sebenarnya karena perilaku diri, setelah makan langsung tidur," tukas Hendry, Physical Exercise Consultant kepada Kompas Female, saat peluncuran sebuah minuman diet di Jakarta, beberapa waktu lalu.

Banyak orang menganggap bahwa dinginnya air es ini tidak bisa melarutkan lemak, sehingga lemak akan menggumpal dan menumpuk di perut. Hal ini tidaklah benar, menurut Hendry tidak ada hubungannya antara lemak yang menggumpal dan sulit dicerna dengan konsumsi air es setelah makan. Karena, pada dasarnya tubuh manusia memiliki suhu mutlak di dalam tubuh. Saat masuk ke dalam tubuh, suhu makanan dan minuman panas ataupun dingin akan disesuaikan dengan suhu tubuh.

"Rasa dingin ini hanya akan terasa di tenggorokan saja, sehingga saat masuk ke dalam tubuh suhunya jadi suhu tubuh dan tidak menggumpalkan lemak," bebernya.

Air es justru bikin tubuh langsing

Ditambahkan Hendry, sebenarnya air es justru membantu tubuh untuk lebih langsing meski Anda banyak makan. Minum air es setelah makan akan membantu tubuh membakar kalori lebih banyak dibandingkan ketika minum air hangat. Ketika air dingin masuk ke dalam tubuh, secara tak langsung tubuh akan dipaksa untuk menetralkan suhu air tersebut melalui pembakaran lemak dalam tubuh.

Selain untuk menetralkan suhu air dingin dalam tubuh, tubuh yang terkena rangsangan air dingin ini akan bereaksi dan memulai usaha untuk menghangatkan badan, sehingga sebenarnya lemak dan kalori yang terbakar akan lebih banyak. Meskipun ketika minum air hangat kalori juga akan terbakar, namun ternyata tidak sebanyak ketika Anda minum air es.

"Hal ini bisa dianalogikan ketika kita berada di tempat yang bersuhu dingin, pasti akan terasa lapar terus-menerus. Tapi meski demikian, bobot tubuh tidak melonjak naik karena lemaknya digunakan untuk menghangatkan tubuh," bebernya.

Salah satu hal yang banyak disalah artikan ketika minum air hangat setelah makan akan adalah keluarnya keringat yang dianggap sebagai tanda bahwa lemak sudah terbakar. Keluarnya keringat ini bukanlah tanda bahwa kalori sudah terbakar, melainkan lebih berfungsi untuk mendinginkan tubuh.

Minum Air hangat selepas makan

Yang perlu diketahui bukan saja anjuran meminum air panas selepas makan, tetapi berhubungan dengan SERANGAN JANTUNG!.

Orang-orang Jepang dan China telah membiasakan minum Teh Panas atau Sup Panas usai makan dan bukannya air dingin. Ternyata kebiasaan mereka itu dapat mengurangi ataupun menghambat munculnya serangan jantung

Jadi Minum Es ini berbahaya untuk anda yang mengidap penyakit jantung dan berpotensi jantung.

Anda perlu tahu bahwa tanda-tanda serangan jantung akan mulai terasa pada tangan sebelah kiri.

Berhati-hati juga pada permulaan sakit sedikit-sedikit pada bagian atas dada anda.

Anda mungkin tidak akan mengalami sakit dada pada serangan pertama serangan jantung. Keletihan dan berkeringat adalah tanda-tanda pada umumnya. Malah 60% pengidap SAKIT JANTUNG tidak bangun selepas tidur.

English language :

Is it true that drinking ice water after eating the danger? Drinking ice after eating there mudhorotnya unisex benefits. bhas complete so we just all benefits and disadvantages of drinking ice after eating.
Benefits of Drinking Ice Water After EatingAfter eating usually people prefer to drink warm water rather than water ice.This is due to the myth that drinking ice water after eating can cause clumping of fat, so the body will be more fat or belly became distended."It's actually just a myth. Which actually makes the stomach so bloated because of the behavior itself, after eating straight to bed," said Hendry, Physical Exercise Consultant to Female Compass, the launch of a diet drink in Jakarta, some time ago.Many people assume that this ice cold water can not dissolve the fat, so it will clot and accumulate fat in the abdomen. This is not true, according to Hendry has nothing between the clumping of fat and hard to digest with the consumption of ice water after a meal. Because, basically the human body has the absolute temperature in the body. Time of entry into the body, the temperature of food and drinks hot or cold will be adjusted to body temperature."The cold will only be felt in the throat, so the time of entry into the body and the body temperature so the temperature does not coagulate fat," he explained.Ice water actually make your body slimAdded Hendry, actually ice water actually helps the body to be slim even if you eat a lot. Drinking ice water after a meal will help your body burn more calories than when drinking warm water. When cold water enters the body, the body will be indirectly forced to neutralize the water temperature through the burning of fat in the body.In addition to neutralizing the body temperature in the cold water, the body is exposed to cold water stimulation will react and start a business to keep warm, so that the actual fat and calories burned will be more. Although when drinking warm water will also burn calories, but it was not as much as when you drink ice water."This is analogous to when we are in a cold temperature, will definitely feel hungry constantly. But even so, not body weight shot up because the fat is used to warm the body," he explained.One of the things that many misunderstood when drinking warm water after a meal will be sweating that is considered a sign that fat is burned. Sweating is not a sign that the calories are burned, but rather serves to cool the body.

Drinking warm water after a meal
 I need to know not only the recommendation to drink hot water after eating, but dealing with HEART ATTACK!.

The Japanese and Chinese have used to drink hot tea or hot soup after eating and instead of cold water. It turns out it's a habit they can reduce or inhibit the emergence of heart attack
So Drink Ice is dangerous for those who suffer from heart disease and potentially heart.You need to know that the signs of a heart attack will begin to be felt in the left hand.Also cautious at the beginning of a little pain on the top of your chest.You probably will not experience chest pain of a heart attack on the first attack. Fatigue and sweating are signs in general. In fact 60% of people do not wake Heartburn after sleep.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Definition of Harddisk

Hard disk is medium data storage on a computer that consists of a collection of magnetic hard disks and spinning, as well as other electronic components. Hard disks use a flat disc called the platter, which on both sides are coated with a material that is designed to be able to store information magnetically. Platter-platter by punching holes in the center are arranged and rearranged on a spindle. Platter spinning at very high speed which is controlled by the spindle motor that is connected to the spindle. Special literacy electromagnetic tool named head mounted on a slider and is used to store information in a disk or read. Slider mounted on the arm, all of which are connected mechanically to a single collection on the surface of the disc and is connected via a device called the actuator. There was also the logic board to regulate the activity of other components and communicates with the PC.

ATA / EIDE. EIDE hard disk (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) or ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) is the latest version of a stAndard disk interface suitable for connection to the bus. Many manufacturers have a range of disk with a disk interface EIDE / ATA disk can be connected directly to the PCI bus and roomates which is used in many PC (personal computer).

SCSI. Many disks have interfaces designed for connection to a standard SCSI bus. The disks tend to be more expensive, but have better performance which is possible due to excess SCSI bus than the PCI bus. Access to the same can be done for many disk drives as the drive interface is actively connected to the SCSI bus only when the drive is ready to transfer data. This is especially useful in applications where there are a large number of requests for small files, which often happens in a computer used as a file server.

RAID. Promises great performance and provides a large and reliable storage. Disk is used both in high-performance computer and in systems that require dramatically higher reliability than normal levels. However, with the decline in prices to a more affordable level, the disk becomes more attractive even for a computer system with size - average.

SATA. SATA hard disk of the type (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment), the disk interface ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) by using the serial version of the thin cable that has small wires. Total about two-thirds of total hard drive cable with type EIDE or ATA disks are numbered 39 pins and SATA has very high speed data transmission and reducing latency. So, this serial bus is able to exceed the speed of parallel bus.

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Classroom Arrangement


By Debbie Cluff

The set up of a classroom is very important to how a classroom is being managed. The teacher needs to make sure his/her classroom is arranged for the students to be productive. The teacher also needs to make sure their classroom has a positive environment for the students as they enter the classroom. Another key fact a teacher needs to consider is that their classroom needs to be ready for learning everyday. This is because in order to manage a classroom with proper discipline, a product and active classroom set-up is important. The students need to be placed in an arrangement that will keep them focused on the lesson and not deter them from learning. In this paper, we will discuss and provide ways for a lower elementary classroom to be set up.

Classroom Arrangement

Our map shows the classroom is arranged in centers. The students will sit in groups of six in four different groups. The reasoning behind the groups is that the students will be able to learn how to work with others. The students will also be able to motivate each other to do their work. The desks are arranged in the middle of the classroom so it will allow the teacher to walk around the room freely. Plus the teacher will be able to control the students in a more compact area. The setting of the desk will also help students to stay on task.

Reading Corner

In the corner of the classroom is a “cozy” reading nook which will contain the classroom library. This area will provide a “home” feeling and help the students to feel relax when they are in this area. The reading nook will also be a place for students to go to when they have completed their work and want to read a book in a cozy are. If a child is able to feel at home in the reading nook this can cut down on behavior problems for the teacher. In the reading nook, this area is a quite place. The reading nook is not located in the same area as everything else in the classroom. By having the reading nook in the corner of the classroom, it will help to promote reading in the classroom.


The listening center and computer station will be placed on the outside of the classroom. The centers will be facing the walls because the students will be rotating to the varies centers within the classroom. Plus, while students are at their centers they will need to be able to concentrate on their work. Also, located on the outside of the classroom are the storage areas for Science, Math, Art and Writing materials. This storage area allows the students to have a centrally located area to receive and place materials for Science, Math, Art and Writing. Plus, this area will help the teacher to keep his/her classroom organized.

The student’s desk will also serve as centers. During center time students will be able to move around the whole room to gain information. At each group their will be a different theme for students to learn about. By having the centers on both the inside and the outside of the classroom will enable the teacher to focus the students’ attention to their center activity instead of just rotating around the room. This will keep the flow of the classroom and will not give the students time to mess around maintaining classroom structure and discipline.

Teacher’s Desk Location

The teacher’s desk is located in the back of the classroom. The reason of this arrangement is that this will help the teacher to promote a student – centered classroom. By having the desk located in the back of the classroom the teacher will have full sight of his/her entire classroom at all times. Plus, the teacher will only use the desk for paper work. The rest of the time the teacher will be in the same area as the students.

Print Rich Environment

Not only is the arrangement of the desk important to the classroom but the motivation the classroom has to offer the students. To have a print-rich-environment, the teacher needs to have posters and signs that help to promote literature in the classroom. By having posters and signs on the classroom walls and bulletin boards will help the students gain a great deal of experiences with the different types of literature. Plus the students can do a read around the room, while sitting in the reading nook. By providing a print-rich environment, the students will be placed in a positive learning atmosphere that promotes learning thus preventing classroom misconduct.


In conclusion, the arrangement of the classroom is a very key part of how well the students will learn and interact with their classmates and their teacher. If a classroom is disorganized and clustered, then it will be kind of hard for a child to work and learn new skills. Plus, the teacher needs to take time to make sure his/her room is set up for learning because no matter how well your lesson plans are completed and ready to be presented. If the students do not feel comfortable in the room then the lesson plan will be presented in a way the teacher wanted it to.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Homeschool Teacher Qualifications


Beyond the statistics, when someone talks about homeschooling, usually two points come up. The first is whether the parent is qualified to teach their child, and the second and possibly biggest question to homeschoolers everywhere is about socialization.
Qualification is a big concern because opponents of homeschooling believe that parents do not have the ability to teach children like a certified teacher does. I do agree that teachers have accreditation beyond what typical homeschooling parents do, but I also believe that parents have the ability to teach a child any class that they would need, especially in the elementary years.

Children have an ability in homeschool that is not available to them in a traditional classroom. If a student has a question in class, it might not be the appropriate time to ask the question, or the teacher might be too busy to answer; however, in homeschool if a child has a question, time can be taken to answer the question or look up the answer if it is unknown. I do not believe that everyone knows all of the answers, not even teachers; after all they are human as well. Dave Arnold of the National Education Association (NEA) stated, “You would think that they might leave this—the shaping of their children’s minds, careers, and futures—to trained professionals” (Arnold, 2008, p. 1). Why would it make more sense to leave these important factors in a child’s life to a person who the child will only be under for a year, who does not have time to develop the child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide one-on-one time with the child? After all even Albert Einstein homeschooled.

However, parents who aren’t confident about teaching higher level classes now have resources to supplement them such as online or correspondence courses, co-ops, and community college classes (Fagan, 2007, p. 1). With these classes—usually utilized in math or science but available in all subjects—students have the benefit of a teacher knowledgeable in the subject, tutoring and usually access to the teacher for specific help. This closely resembles the online courses being offered at community colleges.

While I do disagree with the statement that parents are not qualified to teach their children, I believe that there should be end of year testing. This requirement is on a state to state guideline, and I believe that it should be made mandatory so that a parent can prove that homeschooling is effective for the child. If public school children are required to take these tests, then so should homeschoolers. Virginia law states that all families must register [with their local school district] on a per yearly basis and submit results of professional standardized testing scores (similar to SOL) although there is an option of “religious exemption” that does not require any end of year testing (Fagan, 2007, p. 3). The study “Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America” also found that students ranged in the 86th percentile “regardless of state regulation,” whether a state had no regulations or a large amount of regulations (Klicka, 2006, p. 2). These statistics show that state regulations on testing, on what degree of certification a parent has (which can range from no high school diploma to certified teacher to holder of a non-relational bachelors degree), compulsory attendance laws, etc., all have no significance in regards to scores achieved on tests.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013



It is rather hard to compete with the computer when doing economic analysis. This is because computers are quite good at doing math once they are programmed, and although economics isn’t an exact science, those who study it, do the research, and use the tools certainly see it as such. Meaning they will use these equations to guestimate the future trends. Nevertheless, just as one can be a technical analyst in the stock market, there is something to be said for the fundamentals, and the black Swan events which change the stock chart trends. Okay so let’s talk about all this for second shall we?
How can a human being compete with a computer that analyzes data in this way when predicting economic trends and doing economic analysis? Well, I would submit to you that one third of the performance of the economy has to do with perception. Perception can come in many forms, and it can also change like the wind. That does not always show up in the data, for instance consumers are fickle, and many of the decisions made by CEOs have to do with government intervention on trade, regulations, and taxation policies.
The data does not always show when a politician is going to come up with a new law which inhibits business, or helps pick winners and losers in the market, or changes the entire dynamics of an industry which has a cascading effect on the rest of the economy. Then there are severe disruption such as natural disasters, wars, and civil unrest. And let’s not forget the increasingly pervasive black swan catastrophic economic events. Bubbles that get blown too big, burst too soon, or hit you like a ton of bricks out of the blue. The data doesn’t always show that, are you beginning to see my point?
That doesn’t mean that the technical analyst studying the economy either on a macro or micro level doesn’t have the advantage, and generally they will be right most of the time, along with the AI computers they use doing the leg-work. If such a system is completely automated with artificially intelligent software, and that computer also works with probability, it may be right even more of the time. But it won’t be right all of the time.
That’s where human beings might still have the advantage. Sometimes there are anomalies which are not seen readily in the data, or not recognized for some unforeseen reason. Therefore, in this year, 2012 humans are still needed for economic analysis, perhaps after years of artificial intelligence and learning machines on the job such a fact may not be true anymore, but today it is. Please consider all this and think on it.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It's not easy to determine how early to start children in organized sports. Children of the same age vary considerably in their physical and psychological maturation, and there is no practical method of measuring maturity. Assuming the child has shown interest, five or six is the generally accepted earliest starting age for organized team sports. At the early ages participation should be limited to sports that involve a lot of physical activity and encourage the development of major motor muscles.

Children in grades 1 - 4 can benefit most from games that are modified to meet their needs and abilities. Play and fun are more important to this age group than highly structured sports that emphasize the outcome rather than the process. Parents and coaches are usually the ones concerned about winning and losing. When helping your child select a sport, keep balance in mind. Encourage your children to try many sports and activities when young and not to think of specializing or playing competitively until they reach middle school. Make sure a balance also occurs between adult organized activities and free playtime. Children need time to just be kids and to play with other kids without a set of rules or adult involvement.

The most important decisions to make, are which youth sports organizations and which coaches are best for your child. Make sure that you take the time to find out about the league, its leaders and coaches. Better yet, get involved and volunteer to coach. Participating in sports is a healthy way, both physically and socially, for your children to channel their youthful energy in a positive direction. Make sure your children's first experience encourages them to begin a lifelong interest in physical activities and good health.

There are many other options besides team sports available to a child who wants to participate in sports. Parents should also encourage their children to become involved in individual and lifetime sports such as bowling, golf, swimming, tennis, gymnastics and martial arts. You can find information about these sports by visiting the facilities or through the yellow pages of the phone book.

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Monday, April 8, 2013

Types Diets to Relieve the Different Types of Stress

Some foods are believed to cope with stress due to pressure of work or whatever problem caused it. Including the stress that comes after holidays, because you start counting the amount of money spent during the holidays, plus the change in activity back to normal with the routine work. Whatever the source of stress, you should identify the type of stress that you experience to choose the right foods as an antidote.

Recognizing the type of stress can also help you lose weight. Because, feelings of anxiety and fatigue make the body requires energy, which eventually filled with high-calorie foods and carbohydrates. As a result, your diet program a mess because of stress associated with food.

"Everyone reacts to stress differently. But there is some evidence that shows adverse effects of chronic stress on the ability to lose weight. How your body cope with stress can be a reference that helps you become more calm also more slender," explains therapist and expert nutrition Charlotte Watts, author of The De-stress diet.

Therefore, not surprising that many people fail in dieting because of stress. According Watss, changing diet and lifestyle can help you cope with stress. So, identify the type of stress you and follow some advice given to overcome them, so this 2012 you become leaner, more relaxed, and certainly more healthy.

Stress and digestive problems
If you often troubled by stomach, plus if you're stressed you feel more sick stomach, and also often have a headache, this sign you stress caused digestive problems. Source of the problem not only in digestion but also because of lack of good bacteria in the body.

Increase your intake of prebiotic to help the growth of good bacteria. The trick, asup vegetables and fruits such as garlic, onion, garlic bombat, bananas, or take supplements. Drinking is also a cure for digestive enzymes before meals, to help the body destroy the food.

How to eat you also need attention. Chew slowly and give a one hour break to eat fruit after a meal of protein. Limit intake of sugar, alcohol, caffeine can reduce levels of good bacteria in the body and can also trigger gas, lowered immunity and enhance the growth of fungi.

Stress and feelings of not calm
Often feel anxious, being reactive to stressful situations, difficulty to relax, often feel depressed when given some responsibility and prone to mood swings, these are some common symptoms of stress experienced by many people. Stress of this type of long-term impact as it pertains to physical and mental factors. The impact on the body, people who have experienced the advantages of this type of stress the adrenal glands that controls the amount of stress hormones. As a result, your appetite is increasing and has a tendency to snack.

To fix this, fill each day with a nutritional diet balanced. Make sure the protein intake is met, either from eggs, meat, fish. Asup should multiply the good fats and vegetables. You can also mengasup supplements containing zinc, iron, vitamin C, B, iodine and magnesium, because these nutrients tend to disappear when you experience stress.

Take care not to fatigue the body condition. Try to relax, take a deep breath, before going to bed at night or when I wake up in the morning. Reduce the intensity of your exercise, do not push yourself. Avoid too many things that are so competitive that can trigger stress.

Stress and body limp
You often feel cold when others feel warm, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, often feel tired, hoarse voice, every time I wake up, you feel weak, here's some stress symptoms caused by disorders of the thyroid gland. These signs indicate the body's metabolism does not work optimally. Body's ability to store energy also fell. If you have this, the desire to lose weight more difficult to realize.

Overcome by making sure blood sugar levels in your body stay in balance so that energy is maintained. The trick reduce sugar and carbohydrate intake, and consumption of more protein. Avoid coffee and alcohol. Was more diligent exercise. Try yoga with your head under which help blood circulation and distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the thyroid gland. Let's not mengasup cabbage and broccoli. You should eat foods that are warm like the chili, ginger, green tea, turmeric, wasabi too.

Stress and illness
Are you suffering from numerous diseases such as asthma, throat infections, nose, ears, and fever, headache, except that you also have a tendency to suffer from osteoporosis, heart disease and other diseases? It's your body's immune system markers problematic.

To overcome this problem, limit your intake of sugar. Increase intake of foods rich in vitamin C, E, berakaroten found in fresh fruits and vegetables are brightly colored. Food and beverages such as chocolate, garlic, tea, red wine and green tea good for you. Make sure your intake of omega 3 are met, because of the lack of omega 3 can exacerbate the illness that you suffered earlier. When exercising, avoid cardio workout and you should select the model of light exercise such as jogging or walking.

Stress and hormonal problems
Hormonal problems such as PMS or other problem as a result of the use of contraceptives that are often experienced by women is also stressful. Stress hormones interact with the hormone estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. As a result of hormones in the body off balance, and weight problems experienced by many women by targeting the hip and thigh area.

To overcome this limit alcohol consumption may increase estrogen levels and aggravate PMS. A sup soy-based foods to help balance hormones. In addition to fiber intake also multiply. Exercising every day can help balance hormone because it increases circulation and detoxification.

Stress and fatigue
You often easily upset when I wake up, feeling tired, difficulty sleeping, this is a symptom of stress continuation of the previous type of stress. People with this stress should increase the intake of red meat, fish, eggs, spinach, salad water, milk, tofu, mushrooms and a variety of iron-rich foods. Increase intake of fruits and vegetables, balance is also a sport that can reduce stress hormone levels. Patients with this type of stress may mengasup coffee, alcohol, multivitamins and minerals that increase iron, magnesium, vitamins B and C.

Stress and lost the spirit 
You tend to have difficulty sleeping and depression so often feel the loss of morale and motivation. Stress that you are experiencing this eliminates the hormones serotonin and dopamine which gives a sense of happiness. Feeling unhappy and lost spirit like this that cause you to have a tendency to eat junk food.

You need supplements contain omega-3, increase the intake of protein in the brain to increase energy and improve mood. Perform a healthful habits, such as exercising in open space, is more frequent laugh, listen to music, socializing, and for married couples, have sex regularly.
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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Negative Effects of Coffee


Coffee, a beverage which is liked by many is consumed by most of us on a daily basis. Though, drinking coffee makes you feel fresh and energetic, there are a few side effects associated with it. The negative effects of coffee are mainly due to the presence of caffeine and tannic acid in it. These effects start appearing slowly but, once they affect the body, they are most of the time permanent and it is difficult to reverse the situation.

Effects of Coffee Consumption
  • It heightens the energy levels for a short-term. But, after you get used to it, even that cup of coffee will not show the results which it used to show previously. Hence, you will tend to drink more coffee which will develop an addiction for it. This will also lead to adrenal exhaustion.
  • A person on medication should avoid coffee as it interferes with the medicines and hence, the effective result of it on the body. This can cause serious problems as it blocks the medicines from working according to their desired way.
  • The caffeine present in it interferes with a brain chemical named adenosine which helps in providing the calming effect.
  • Coffee might also give rise to constriction of blood vessels. This condition occurs due to the increase in the cortisol levels.
  • Young children should not be given coffee as it is difficult for them to digest it. Their liver cannot metabolize caffeine and hence, it remains in the body for 4 to 5 days. This can lead to sleeplessness and irritability.
  • Pregnant females should avoid it as it might lead to birth defects, miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight.
  • Another negative effect of drinking coffee is, it can lead to sluggish sperms and also inability to conceive.
  • Coffee can damage the teeth which can cause yellowing of the teeth and also caries.
  • It even increases the blood sugar level. Hence, people with diabetes should avoid it. According to a research made, it causes deprivation of sleep among those who consume it in excess level.
  • Coffee is known to alter blood pressure and heart rate as well. It even leads to frequent urination. It is known to disturb the absorption of essential minerals and nutrients which are required for the functioning of the body. This can cause adverse effect on the body and can lead to diseases which are caused due to the lack of these minerals. Vitamin A, B and C are the ones which are most affected. Along with this, the absorption of minerals like iron, zinc and calcium are also affected due to its consumption.
If taken in moderate amount, coffee will not cause an adverse effect on the body. The side effects are observed only if it is consumed in excess amount. I guess, now after knowing the negative effects, you will think twice before consuming it. It's fine to consume it occasionally on moderate basis but too much consumption should be strictly avoided.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Stabilize the Body's Insulin Levels

Insulin is a hormone your body produces that controls how cells absorb nutrients, especially sugar, from the blood. Insulin is released when sugar and other nutrient concentrations rise, normally following a meal. After your body has replenished its nutrient stores, your cells stop responding to insulin. If blood sugar is still elevated, your body continues to produce insulin. Eventually, cells in your pancreas stop producing insulin and you develop type 2 diabetes. Making smart food choices, eating a well-controlled diet and being physically active can restore balance to your insulin levels.

Step 1
Learn the glycemic index and glycemic load of foods. The glycemic index is the measure of how fast your blood sugar rises after eating a food. The glycemic load is a measure of the total amount of carbs your body absorbs from a food, regardless of timing.

Step 2

Avoid foods with a high glycemic index, especially if they have a high glycemic load. These foods cause a sudden surge in blood sugar, accompanied by a very high elevation in insulin as you body tried to adapt. Foods made from refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, and sugary foods have a high glycemic index. Most fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds have a low glycemic index, although some of these foods including dates, raisins and white potatoes also have a high glycemic index. Consult a glycemic index chart if you are unsure about a particular food.

Step 3
Eat regular meals and avoid constant snacking throughout the day. Your body is used to a period of plenty, where insulin levels rise as you use nutrients from food for energy, alternating with a period of scarcity, where insulin levels fall and your body uses fat and stores as fuel. Insulin prevents your body from burning body fat; if you are eating constantly, your body will continue to produce high levels of insulin, storing rather than using body fat.

Step 4
Exercise or partake in physically active regularly. Having your body use stored energy depletes nutrients your cells have stored. Following exercise, your cells become more responsive to insulin as they restore expended nutrien
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Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Marketing Mix

In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden of the Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions he believed influenced the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that these actions represented a “Marketing Mix”, which he published in a Harvard Business Review article. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, a contemporary colleague also at the Harvard Business School, then took Borden’s work forward and suggested that the Marketing Mix could be summated into four elements: product, price, place and promotion. Thus was codified the famous four Ps (4Ps) which have gone on to become perhaps the most famous term in marketing to date.
As with any ‘mix’ the concept is straightforward; it provides a list of basic elements whose proportions can be altered to produce a variety of ‘mix’ with different outcomes, e.g. cement as opposed to mortar, bread as opposed to cake. In fact to illustrate this let’s think about a cake mix. All cakes contain eggs, milk, flour, and sugar. However, you can alter the final cake by altering the amounts of mix elements contained in it. So for a sweet cake add more sugar, for a fruit cake add fruit, chocolate cake – add chocolate.
Exactly the same principles apply with the marketing mix. The offer you make to you customer can be altered by varying the mix elements. So for a high profile brand, increase the focus on promotion and desensitize the weight given to price. For a luxury item you control distribution – Place – optimise the quality – product - and quite probably maximise the price. Co-ordinating the decisions is based on marketing research and results in a marketing plan; a blueprint to optimise the use of the business’s resources to maximise the satisfaction to the customers and the gains of the business.
There are major differences when it comes to services marketing versus the marketing of tangible products. The aim differences include:
  1. The buyer purchases are intangible, you gain ‘ownership’ of nothing
  2. The service may be based on the reputation of a single person or entity, so branding becomes vital
  3. It's more difficult to compare the quality of similar services, there isn’t a list of Features and attributes you can easily compare
  4. The buyer cannot return the service; the act of purchase is the act of consumption
These differences mean that there are new elements in the marketing mix; in fact there are three new elements so we call this the ‘7Ps’ or Extended marketing mix. Let’s think about a service – Car Insurance. In terms of the 4Ps you ‘own’ a right to compensation if in any sort of accident – that’s the product. You know the price and indeed all the other elements of price that might be included, e.g. payment by installment. The Place was done either indirectly – through the mail as an automatic renewal, or directly by you contacting the insurance company. Promotion could have been via any of the means listed later in this chapter. But does that cover all the elements that went into your decision to buy car insurance?
In fact for services the additional ‘4Ps’ of the ‘7P’ extended marketing mix consist of People, Physical evidence, and Process. In our car insurance example, you might have spoken to a salesperson in your home or a broker; you might have spoken to a customer service person by phone, or at a branch office. You might have been impressed by industry reports or experts, this could have even been online, or by the quality of the documents you received or even by the way the person you spoke to sounded or were dressed. All of these start to bring Physical evidence into play which often overlaps into the Place and People elements.
Finally and perhaps in a world dominated by distance purchasing via electronic media such as the internet and telecommunications the speed, accuracy responsiveness, and reliability of the processes in respond to you as a customer and also vital. You only have to think about how many times you abandon a web site if it’s slow to appreciate how vital processes are within the extended marketing mix. Service marketing also includes the concept of ‘servicescape’ referring to but not limited to the aesthetic appearance of the business from the outside, the inside, and the general appearance of the employees themselves; in essence the concept of servicescape underlines the interrelated nature of several elements of the 7Ps when viewed from a customer perspective – it is a marketing concept philosophy approach.
Service Marketing has been rapidly gaining ground in the overall spectrum of marketing and particularly as a focus of marketing education as the developed economies move farther away from industrial importance to service oriented economies. This can also be seen in developing economies, where the shift to services means a shift away from customer decisions based on tangible FABs to intangible service elements.
In many services marketing is rapidly moving into the experiential, with an emphasis on quality of experience and feedback. This has given rise to the phrase "Managing the evidence", which refers to the act of informing customers that the service encounter has been performed successfully by us and how was it for you. It is best done in subtle ways like providing examples or descriptions of good and poor service that can be used as a basis of comparison. The underlying rationale is that a customer might not appreciate the full worth of the service if they do not have a good benchmark for comparisons. 

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Confidence, Trust and Hope

Once, all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer,
all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella; that's

Trust should be like the feeling of a one-year-old baby. When you throw him
in the air, he laughs... because he knows you will catch him; that's Trust.

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next
morning but still we make plans for the coming day; that's Hope.


Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness; 
Bad days give you experiences; 
Both are essential to life 

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Tips to Avoid Heart Disease


The heart is the main organ, someone was still alive when his heart was still functioning or rattle, walaupung all other organs such as the lungs for breathing does not work anymore. Well here are some tips gar protected from coronary heart disease, you can do the following things:

Of Healthy Eating
Avoid foods that contain lots of fat or high cholesterol. Seafood contains high cholesterol that can harm the heart. Reduce eating fried foods that contain lots of fat, otherwise the food can be prepared with boiled, steamed or baked. As much as possible, the food products we eat low-fat or nonfat. Choose milk, cheese, butter or other foods that are low in fat. Fry using olive oil has a little fat so it can be an option when to process food by frying.

Besides avoiding fatty foods, avoid foods with high sugar content such as soft drinks. Do not consume tertalu many carbohydrates, because in the body, carbohydrates are broken down into fat. In contrast, consumption of oats or wheat that can help keep the heart healthy. Keep your diet is not excessive to avoid obesity, because someone who has a waist circumference greater than 80 cm, greater risk of developing this disease.

Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoking is not good for heart health, then immediately stop this practice in order to stay healthy heart.

Avoid Stress
Stress is very difficult to avoid when living in big cities like Jakarta, which is known for its jams and preoccupations. When a person experiences stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol, which causes the blood vessels become stiff. Hormone norepinephrine to produce the body when suffering from stress, which may increase blood pressure. So it's good if you avoid the stress either in the office or at home.

Problem of hypertension or high blood pressure can also cause heart disease. Hypertension can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arterial LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque.

Overweight or obese increases the high blood pressure and abnormal fat. Avoiding or treating obesity or overweight is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes accelerates coronary heart disease and increases the risk of heart attack.

Regular Exercise
You can do sports activities such as walking, brisk walking or jogging. Sports activities are competitive and not too much work to strengthen the heart and blood circulation throughout the body.

Consumption Of Antioxidants
Air pollution, motor vehicle fumes or smoke created the emergence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause ulcers or deposition in blood vessels that can cause blockages. To remove the content of free radicals in the body, the need for antioxidants that will catch and throw. Antioxidants can be obtained from a variety of fruits and vegetables.

One whose parents or siblings have had a heart attack before age 60 have a greater risk of suffering from this disease. Therefore, if you have relatives who have had a heart attack, you should be more careful in keeping the diet and lifestyle can support a healthy heart.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tips to Overcome Stuffy Nose Naturally

Nasal congestion is one symptom that is common, usually accompanies influenza illness can also be caused by allergies or other causes. When experiencing nasal congestion most people would feel tortured because of difficulty breathing. Mucus that is on the nose should be removed because if left unchecked can lead to infections of the respiratory tract.

There are several natural ways you can try to tackle congestion quoted by The Times of India, the description is as follows:

1. When going to sleep, try to position the head higher. This serves to reduce the formation of mucus. Every movement in sleep, will put pressure on the formation of mucus, and therefore try to keep the position of sleeping with her face to the ceiling.

2. Onion. The aroma of spicy onion turns powerful to get rid of a stuffy nose. You simply peel and cut the onion in half, then smell the onions for five minutes.

3. Consumption of spicy food. The content of a substance called capsaicin in pungent spices like chili and pepper, in a flash because it would cleanse the nasal cavity mucus come out.

4. Drinking coffee or tea, the steam generated from hot drinks will help thin the mucus.

 5. Menthol, add a few drops of menthol into a container of hot water, then confronted face to the water vapor with the help of a towel to cover the head and a water container.

Source :  . I Have translated into English.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Acne Skin Care

Tips treatment this time will share about Acne Facial Skin Care. Previous Tips Treatment've shared with readers about blackheads Skin Care, Skin Care Dehydrated, Pigmented Skin Care, Aging Skin Care and Skin Care Combination. Hopefully this article on Acne Facial Skin Care provides valuable information for avid readers care tips. Here's the full article Acne Facial Skin Care

Acne can actually heal itself, if the skin is acne treated wisely. Acne skin care tailored to the type of acne that affects, is as follows:

1) Without Acne Skin Inflammation
Skin care facial acne without inflammation, use facial skin care once a month to drain the black comedones (blackhead). This treatment can be done in the salon and beauty clinic. The equipment used should always be re-sterilized after use so as not to be a means of transmission of other diseases. This process should be performed by trained, so when issuing blackheads can be gentle and does not damage the skin surface. After giving the facial skin care apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection complications.

2) Inflammatory Acne skin with
Acne skin inflammation accompanied by light can be overcome by using a cream erittromisin antibiotic, gentamicin, and clindamycin are applied in the morning and afternoon. Inflammation of the skin that have acne severe form of acne festering boils, require treatment dermatologist. Facial skin care treatment should be postponed, as it will result in the expansion of the acne infection. Avoid massaging himself inflamed red pimples. Evacuation of pus pursued by injecting anti-inflammatory and anti-pain.

Inflamed acne, should not be massaged massage or, as it may lead to the infection becomes more widespread. Massage it will give comfort to the skin of the face, but if the pressure is too hard, it can interfere with woven collagen fibers in the inner layer of skin (dermis), and acne will easily slip out when massage the face, especially when ordering accompanied by the use of fine grains (scrubbing ). Evaporation on the skin for hydration facial acne facial skin dull and dry, but acne accompanied by inflammation will grow red when steamed with hot steam, and therefore forbidden to steamed inflammatory acne. With the correct treatment, acne scars remaining after the inflammation will obscured.

3) Former acne scarred skin 
Brown spots, skin indentations, scarred, and the hardening of tissue acne scars require special assistance to fix. Facial treatment TCA, AHA, micro dermabration, laser resurfacing, has principle peeling outer epidermis or epidermis, but in different depths, thus encouraging skin repair acne scars.
4) Acne Skin Care Through Food
Care from the outside, the more impact on the epidermis (the epidermis) which is located in the outermost skin. Care through more food into the impact, because it affects the cuticle (the dermis). Skin that looks bad for inflammatory acne, it requires large amounts of protein to form new tissue. Vitamin A (betacarotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc is necessary for the metabolism of cells in new tissue. To prevent drying of the skin, consume enough water, at least 8 glasses a day. In addition to limiting your intake of saturated fats, as well as limit consumption of fatty meat, fried, coconut milk, soft drinks, beer, and coffee.  
Source :  I Have translated into English.
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