Acne can actually heal itself, if the skin is acne treated wisely. Acne skin care tailored to the type of acne that affects, is as follows:
1) Without Acne Skin Inflammation
Skin care facial acne without inflammation, use facial skin care once a month to drain the black comedones (blackhead). This treatment can be done in the salon and beauty clinic. The equipment used should always be re-sterilized after use so as not to be a means of transmission of other diseases. This process should be performed by trained, so when issuing blackheads can be gentle and does not damage the skin surface. After giving the facial skin care apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection complications.
2) Inflammatory Acne skin with
Acne skin inflammation accompanied by light can be overcome by using a cream erittromisin antibiotic, gentamicin, and clindamycin are applied in the morning and afternoon. Inflammation of the skin that have acne severe form of acne festering boils, require treatment dermatologist. Facial skin care treatment should be postponed, as it will result in the expansion of the acne infection. Avoid massaging himself inflamed red pimples. Evacuation of pus pursued by injecting anti-inflammatory and anti-pain.
Inflamed acne, should not be massaged massage or, as it may lead to the infection becomes more widespread. Massage it will give comfort to the skin of the face, but if the pressure is too hard, it can interfere with woven collagen fibers in the inner layer of skin (dermis), and acne will easily slip out when massage the face, especially when ordering accompanied by the use of fine grains (scrubbing ). Evaporation on the skin for hydration facial acne facial skin dull and dry, but acne accompanied by inflammation will grow red when steamed with hot steam, and therefore forbidden to steamed inflammatory acne. With the correct treatment, acne scars remaining after the inflammation will obscured.
3) Former acne scarred skin
Brown spots, skin indentations, scarred, and the hardening of tissue acne scars require special assistance to fix. Facial treatment TCA, AHA, micro dermabration, laser resurfacing, has principle peeling outer epidermis or epidermis, but in different depths, thus encouraging skin repair acne scars.
4) Acne Skin Care Through Food
Care from the outside, the more impact on the epidermis (the epidermis) which is located in the outermost skin. Care through more food into the impact, because it affects the cuticle (the dermis). Skin that looks bad for inflammatory acne, it requires large amounts of protein to form new tissue. Vitamin A (betacarotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc is necessary for the metabolism of cells in new tissue. To prevent drying of the skin, consume enough water, at least 8 glasses a day. In addition to limiting your intake of saturated fats, as well as limit consumption of fatty meat, fried, coconut milk, soft drinks, beer, and coffee.
Source : I Have translated into English.