Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Marketing Mix

In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden of the Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions he believed influenced the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that these actions represented a “Marketing Mix”, which he published in a Harvard Business Review article. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, a contemporary colleague also at the Harvard Business School, then took Borden’s work forward and suggested that the Marketing Mix could be summated into four elements: product, price, place and promotion. Thus was codified the famous four Ps (4Ps) which have gone on to become perhaps the most famous term in marketing to date.
As with any ‘mix’ the concept is straightforward; it provides a list of basic elements whose proportions can be altered to produce a variety of ‘mix’ with different outcomes, e.g. cement as opposed to mortar, bread as opposed to cake. In fact to illustrate this let’s think about a cake mix. All cakes contain eggs, milk, flour, and sugar. However, you can alter the final cake by altering the amounts of mix elements contained in it. So for a sweet cake add more sugar, for a fruit cake add fruit, chocolate cake – add chocolate.
Exactly the same principles apply with the marketing mix. The offer you make to you customer can be altered by varying the mix elements. So for a high profile brand, increase the focus on promotion and desensitize the weight given to price. For a luxury item you control distribution – Place – optimise the quality – product - and quite probably maximise the price. Co-ordinating the decisions is based on marketing research and results in a marketing plan; a blueprint to optimise the use of the business’s resources to maximise the satisfaction to the customers and the gains of the business.
There are major differences when it comes to services marketing versus the marketing of tangible products. The aim differences include:
  1. The buyer purchases are intangible, you gain ‘ownership’ of nothing
  2. The service may be based on the reputation of a single person or entity, so branding becomes vital
  3. It's more difficult to compare the quality of similar services, there isn’t a list of Features and attributes you can easily compare
  4. The buyer cannot return the service; the act of purchase is the act of consumption
These differences mean that there are new elements in the marketing mix; in fact there are three new elements so we call this the ‘7Ps’ or Extended marketing mix. Let’s think about a service – Car Insurance. In terms of the 4Ps you ‘own’ a right to compensation if in any sort of accident – that’s the product. You know the price and indeed all the other elements of price that might be included, e.g. payment by installment. The Place was done either indirectly – through the mail as an automatic renewal, or directly by you contacting the insurance company. Promotion could have been via any of the means listed later in this chapter. But does that cover all the elements that went into your decision to buy car insurance?
In fact for services the additional ‘4Ps’ of the ‘7P’ extended marketing mix consist of People, Physical evidence, and Process. In our car insurance example, you might have spoken to a salesperson in your home or a broker; you might have spoken to a customer service person by phone, or at a branch office. You might have been impressed by industry reports or experts, this could have even been online, or by the quality of the documents you received or even by the way the person you spoke to sounded or were dressed. All of these start to bring Physical evidence into play which often overlaps into the Place and People elements.
Finally and perhaps in a world dominated by distance purchasing via electronic media such as the internet and telecommunications the speed, accuracy responsiveness, and reliability of the processes in respond to you as a customer and also vital. You only have to think about how many times you abandon a web site if it’s slow to appreciate how vital processes are within the extended marketing mix. Service marketing also includes the concept of ‘servicescape’ referring to but not limited to the aesthetic appearance of the business from the outside, the inside, and the general appearance of the employees themselves; in essence the concept of servicescape underlines the interrelated nature of several elements of the 7Ps when viewed from a customer perspective – it is a marketing concept philosophy approach.
Service Marketing has been rapidly gaining ground in the overall spectrum of marketing and particularly as a focus of marketing education as the developed economies move farther away from industrial importance to service oriented economies. This can also be seen in developing economies, where the shift to services means a shift away from customer decisions based on tangible FABs to intangible service elements.
In many services marketing is rapidly moving into the experiential, with an emphasis on quality of experience and feedback. This has given rise to the phrase "Managing the evidence", which refers to the act of informing customers that the service encounter has been performed successfully by us and how was it for you. It is best done in subtle ways like providing examples or descriptions of good and poor service that can be used as a basis of comparison. The underlying rationale is that a customer might not appreciate the full worth of the service if they do not have a good benchmark for comparisons. 

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Confidence, Trust and Hope

Once, all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer,
all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella; that's

Trust should be like the feeling of a one-year-old baby. When you throw him
in the air, he laughs... because he knows you will catch him; that's Trust.

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next
morning but still we make plans for the coming day; that's Hope.


Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness; 
Bad days give you experiences; 
Both are essential to life 

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Tips to Avoid Heart Disease


The heart is the main organ, someone was still alive when his heart was still functioning or rattle, walaupung all other organs such as the lungs for breathing does not work anymore. Well here are some tips gar protected from coronary heart disease, you can do the following things:

Of Healthy Eating
Avoid foods that contain lots of fat or high cholesterol. Seafood contains high cholesterol that can harm the heart. Reduce eating fried foods that contain lots of fat, otherwise the food can be prepared with boiled, steamed or baked. As much as possible, the food products we eat low-fat or nonfat. Choose milk, cheese, butter or other foods that are low in fat. Fry using olive oil has a little fat so it can be an option when to process food by frying.

Besides avoiding fatty foods, avoid foods with high sugar content such as soft drinks. Do not consume tertalu many carbohydrates, because in the body, carbohydrates are broken down into fat. In contrast, consumption of oats or wheat that can help keep the heart healthy. Keep your diet is not excessive to avoid obesity, because someone who has a waist circumference greater than 80 cm, greater risk of developing this disease.

Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoking is not good for heart health, then immediately stop this practice in order to stay healthy heart.

Avoid Stress
Stress is very difficult to avoid when living in big cities like Jakarta, which is known for its jams and preoccupations. When a person experiences stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol, which causes the blood vessels become stiff. Hormone norepinephrine to produce the body when suffering from stress, which may increase blood pressure. So it's good if you avoid the stress either in the office or at home.

Problem of hypertension or high blood pressure can also cause heart disease. Hypertension can injure the arterial wall and allows the channel to enter the arterial LDL cholesterol and increase the accumulation of plaque.

Overweight or obese increases the high blood pressure and abnormal fat. Avoiding or treating obesity or overweight is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes accelerates coronary heart disease and increases the risk of heart attack.

Regular Exercise
You can do sports activities such as walking, brisk walking or jogging. Sports activities are competitive and not too much work to strengthen the heart and blood circulation throughout the body.

Consumption Of Antioxidants
Air pollution, motor vehicle fumes or smoke created the emergence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause ulcers or deposition in blood vessels that can cause blockages. To remove the content of free radicals in the body, the need for antioxidants that will catch and throw. Antioxidants can be obtained from a variety of fruits and vegetables.

One whose parents or siblings have had a heart attack before age 60 have a greater risk of suffering from this disease. Therefore, if you have relatives who have had a heart attack, you should be more careful in keeping the diet and lifestyle can support a healthy heart.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tips to Overcome Stuffy Nose Naturally

Nasal congestion is one symptom that is common, usually accompanies influenza illness can also be caused by allergies or other causes. When experiencing nasal congestion most people would feel tortured because of difficulty breathing. Mucus that is on the nose should be removed because if left unchecked can lead to infections of the respiratory tract.

There are several natural ways you can try to tackle congestion quoted by The Times of India, the description is as follows:

1. When going to sleep, try to position the head higher. This serves to reduce the formation of mucus. Every movement in sleep, will put pressure on the formation of mucus, and therefore try to keep the position of sleeping with her face to the ceiling.

2. Onion. The aroma of spicy onion turns powerful to get rid of a stuffy nose. You simply peel and cut the onion in half, then smell the onions for five minutes.

3. Consumption of spicy food. The content of a substance called capsaicin in pungent spices like chili and pepper, in a flash because it would cleanse the nasal cavity mucus come out.

4. Drinking coffee or tea, the steam generated from hot drinks will help thin the mucus.

 5. Menthol, add a few drops of menthol into a container of hot water, then confronted face to the water vapor with the help of a towel to cover the head and a water container.

Source :  . I Have translated into English.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Acne Skin Care

Tips treatment this time will share about Acne Facial Skin Care. Previous Tips Treatment've shared with readers about blackheads Skin Care, Skin Care Dehydrated, Pigmented Skin Care, Aging Skin Care and Skin Care Combination. Hopefully this article on Acne Facial Skin Care provides valuable information for avid readers care tips. Here's the full article Acne Facial Skin Care

Acne can actually heal itself, if the skin is acne treated wisely. Acne skin care tailored to the type of acne that affects, is as follows:

1) Without Acne Skin Inflammation
Skin care facial acne without inflammation, use facial skin care once a month to drain the black comedones (blackhead). This treatment can be done in the salon and beauty clinic. The equipment used should always be re-sterilized after use so as not to be a means of transmission of other diseases. This process should be performed by trained, so when issuing blackheads can be gentle and does not damage the skin surface. After giving the facial skin care apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection complications.

2) Inflammatory Acne skin with
Acne skin inflammation accompanied by light can be overcome by using a cream erittromisin antibiotic, gentamicin, and clindamycin are applied in the morning and afternoon. Inflammation of the skin that have acne severe form of acne festering boils, require treatment dermatologist. Facial skin care treatment should be postponed, as it will result in the expansion of the acne infection. Avoid massaging himself inflamed red pimples. Evacuation of pus pursued by injecting anti-inflammatory and anti-pain.

Inflamed acne, should not be massaged massage or, as it may lead to the infection becomes more widespread. Massage it will give comfort to the skin of the face, but if the pressure is too hard, it can interfere with woven collagen fibers in the inner layer of skin (dermis), and acne will easily slip out when massage the face, especially when ordering accompanied by the use of fine grains (scrubbing ). Evaporation on the skin for hydration facial acne facial skin dull and dry, but acne accompanied by inflammation will grow red when steamed with hot steam, and therefore forbidden to steamed inflammatory acne. With the correct treatment, acne scars remaining after the inflammation will obscured.

3) Former acne scarred skin 
Brown spots, skin indentations, scarred, and the hardening of tissue acne scars require special assistance to fix. Facial treatment TCA, AHA, micro dermabration, laser resurfacing, has principle peeling outer epidermis or epidermis, but in different depths, thus encouraging skin repair acne scars.
4) Acne Skin Care Through Food
Care from the outside, the more impact on the epidermis (the epidermis) which is located in the outermost skin. Care through more food into the impact, because it affects the cuticle (the dermis). Skin that looks bad for inflammatory acne, it requires large amounts of protein to form new tissue. Vitamin A (betacarotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc is necessary for the metabolism of cells in new tissue. To prevent drying of the skin, consume enough water, at least 8 glasses a day. In addition to limiting your intake of saturated fats, as well as limit consumption of fatty meat, fried, coconut milk, soft drinks, beer, and coffee.  
Source :  I Have translated into English.
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Friday, March 22, 2013


Source : Mobius on Emerging Market, 1998
In the current era of globalization, where economic barriers fade, shift the flow of funds from the surplus to the deficit will be more rapid and unimpeded. Capital market as the investment of fund flows from the excess wealth (surplus) to the cash-strapped (deficit) to act as financial intermediaries. Investors here is a party in relation to the financial surplus. Who are the parties this surplus? In relation to the investment and use of funds, investors can be divided. First, is that domestic investors are investors who come from the country that make up the portfolio of assets in domestic capital markets. Both are foreign investors, ie investors who have some funds from abroad that make up a portfolio of assets in a number of different countries. Foreign investment coming to other countries actually have a classic motif that includes, motive raw materials or natural resources, find new markets and minimize costs. From classical motifs are sometimes investors have other motives are motives to develop the technology. Investors are channeling their funds to other countries usually only carry one motive but can be due to several motives as well. There are at least four ways investors can enter a country: Distressed asset investment, strategic investment, direct investment and portfolio investment. Distressed asset investment is an investment made to acquire ownership or purchase of debt of a company in financial difficulty. Second, the general strategic investment by foreign investors to acquire a company that has a wide enough market share and are in the business segment and location factors that support the company's expansion strategy investors. Third namely direct investment (direct investment) usually takes place in less developed sectors, such as technology-laden construction or development in the automotive sector, usually the company. Fourth is the investment portfolio is invested in bonds and stocks in the capital market. Portfolio investment is what has been the concern of many practitioners in the field of capital markets. Why is that? Because this type of investor is the fastest moving exposures in a country if there is turmoil (political, economic, exchange rate) which is interpreted as uncertainty. They also are investors who have the most extensive selection compared to the above three types of investors. So that if certain events occur both at the macro, sekoral or government regulations, investors are more vulnerable and sensitive to the reflection on that information. The value of foreign investment in or out, practically will also affect the overall market due to the large volume of transactions. The role of foreign capital in the country's development has long been discussed by experts in economic development. Broadly speaking, according Chereney and Carter firstly, external funding (foreign capital) can be exploited by emerging country as a base to accelerate investment and economic growth. Second, increased economic growth needs to be followed by changes in the structure of production and trade. Third, foreign capital can play an important role in the mobilization of funds and structural transformation. Fourth, the need for foreign capital to be dropped as soon as the structural changes actually happen (although foreign capital is more productive in the next period).

Source : I have translated into English
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Injuries in Football


Football is a fun game. This sport is a favorite sport in Indonesia. However, the nature of football that demands speed, physical strength, and the convergence of both sides competing players without limiting the area can cause injury to players. Injury is any damage to the structure or function of the body due to the coercion or physical or chemical stress. In football, injuries mainly due to physical pressure. We may have heard the story of Marco van Basten should quit football because of injury or long stories other footballers who enter the operating room due to manhandling by the opponent. Injury can eliminate future football players. In addition, a large fee to be paid to improve the function of the body is missing. We know that Marco van Basten had to give up his golden era as a player does not disappear because of injuries heal. I look forward to all the team players and officials to put the safety factor and the future of the player (which may also students) were significantly higher than the winning team only. 

A. Cause of Injury 
Injuries can be caused by a lack of warm up and stretch before playing or physical impact. Heating is an important condition for the players before entering the field. Players are advised to warm up about 15 minutes before playing. With heating, prepare the players and cardiac muscle to physical activity during play football. Physical impact in football can be caused by the ball on the ground and other objects such as grass, sand / dirt, goalposts, shoes, and body parts opponent. Mild physical impact could cause minor injuries such as cuts and abrasions wound is not too wide. Harsh physical impact could cause serious consequences such as head injury (trauma capitis), blunt trauma to the internal organs, as well as broken bones. 

B. Possible types of Injury in Football
  • Wounds (abrasions / shredded)
Wounds can be seen from the onset of signs of redness on the skin until the skin rips bleed.
  • Cramps (cramp / spasm)
Muscle cramps are caused by muscle fatigue, dehydration, decreased levels of calcium and potassium in the blood. Muscle fatigue is the most frequent calf (often referred to as rising calf) although the thigh muscles are also quite susceptible to the same thing. Muscles that fatigue would cause pain varies from mild to moderate. Cramped muscles will feel hard done by muscle contraction (shortening of muscle fibers).
  • A torn muscle, broken tendon, ruptured tendon (tendon rupture)
Traditionally, the first two injuries is known as a sprain. This injury is usually caused by a lack of warm-up, stretching, or tackling hard on the knees / ankles. A torn / broken tendon characterized by impaired joint movement. Tendons will drop immediately intrigued by the muscle and had a falling out with the other tendon attaches to the bone. The tendons were broken requiring surgery. Sometimes, the tendon can also shift from its attach. Partially ruptured tendon in the heel can be seen as a swelling on the tendon to rupture.
  • Broken / Cracked bone
Fractures small and long bones can occur in football. Errors in body position or tackling hard landing can cause fractures. If this happens, the player will feel the pain. Skeletal deformities can be readily observed if the fracture fragments shift (sliding). If it is not bone deformities, fractures can be identified with the onset of sound crepitatio (like crick, crick) when the two bone fragments driven. Bone fracture in calf pipe are readily observed in the presence of malformations (defects). However, fractures in the thigh difficult observed. Femur fractures are very likely cause a lot of bleeding, severe pain due to a thigh muscle memendekknya so people will soon enter into a state of shock due to bleeding.
  • Blunt trauma (punch / elbow / kick) to the body
Blunt trauma to the abdomen, at first, will show the injury (the injury) on the skin where the impact occurred. If the impact is hard and the abdominal organs such as the intestines, stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen bleeding will occur due to the wound. Bleeding is usually not visible / not visible. Bleeding organs will cause a reaction hypovolemic shock and peritonitis (inflammation of the stomach) because a lot of the volume of blood flowing into the abdominal cavity.

Source : I have translated into English
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The Benefits of Yoga for Health


the 21st century present yoga as a form of exercise that the flare was found in fitness centers. People from various social strata layers flocked to attend yoga classes. Their basic motive is generally the same. Everybody wants to get the effect that-supposedly-health gained when doing yoga movements. Is this true? Is there really a correlation between yoga and health? Let us discuss. Yoga is an ancient science that is rooted in Hindu philosophy and is pantheism (the belief that the universe and its contents are divine). This science is very complex and discuss many aspects of the human being, from the physical level to the spiritual level. Practitioner of yoga (yogi often called) is expected to reach enlightenment plenary (Brahman) that human knowledge will be his true nature in which he is aware of and support herself as part of the continuum of the universe. When a man has lived on a spiritual level has been reached then it is called Brahman (Universal Mind), has reached complete enlightenment or Enlightenment. They should also know that science has undergone fusion with the western world average embrace materialism (the belief that physical matter is the only necessity) and atheist (does not recognize the concept of God). The yogis who like this aims to achieve perfect knowledge of self and gain quality of life, instead of reaching Brahman. Quality of life is getting a healthy body and a positive mind. Hatha Yoga There are many schools of yoga, but when it was introduced in the United States, hatha flow yoga is much more appreciated and then developing very rapidly. According to the survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal and NBC, in 1998 there were 18 million people in the United States who became an active yoga practitioner. That number continues to grow until now. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that focuses on mastery of body and breath through the balancing of two poles of human energy is yang and yin, masculine and feminine, phallus and yoni, ha (sun) and tha (moon). Balance two poles require absolute mastery of the physical body will be obtained through the practice of asanas (body work), mudras (gestures), kriya (cleansing), bandha (locks), and pranayama (breath though). Of the Western World is yoga (hatha) and then spread rapidly and eventually become part of the global culture.

Hatha yoga is actually set up so that people in the physical aspects of the other aspects of the human being can be addressed easily. By treating his body, he gets physical health as well sharpness and peace inner / mind combination of healthy physical and spiritual which produces character and character maintained a strong and steady. Individuals like these that are ready to live in a higher dimension of spirituality. However, the process to achieve it is not easy. During the body of a man not yet in perfect balance, the continuous inner energy wasted and consciousness is always maintained in a low energy level. So Hatha yoga prepares men to be harmonious physical level so that he can carry and direct himself to a higher level of consciousness. Differences Yoga and Sports Return to start writing, about yoga that can be found in the fitness centers that offer variety of sports. What distinguishes yoga and non-yoga body work? Which is more beneficial to human health? Non yoga (grab sample aerobic) sporadic movements, fast, and strong emphasis on the muscles. designed to get an athletic body shape there is no necessity to pay attention to the breath improving blood circulation with emphasis on the heart Yoga: gentle movements, muscle movements tend to avoid sudden and too loud not specifically designed to shape the body, so it is not effective to get an athletic body and a small stomach yoga poses done in full awareness of the breath that increases mental strength and mind more focused and sharper the circulation of the blood, but not providing excessive pressure on the heart The advantages of yoga are not in the other is a yoga exercise have a positive impact not only the physical aspect but also the mental and emotional aspects. Everything is driven in a 'dance' that harmony. Harmony and balance all aspects that produces a positive effect on health care and is therapeutic in addressing the weaknesses of the body due to human error (read: disease). Advantages next yoga was gentle but firm movements of yoga. When the muscle contracts, deposits of sugar in the body will turn into lactic acid and energy arises tambahan.Dalam vigorous exercise, fast, and sporadic as aerobic, lungs work faster to get enough oxygen to meet the needs of the muscle, but if done too hard the breath long and fast though unable to meet the body's need for oxygen, resulting in lactic acid will increase and accumulate in the muscles. Experiencing muscle fatigue which can lead to muscle spasms (cramps). The opposite occurs in yoga. Although subtle, yoga is done in stages provide the same benefits to the movements hard and fast from other forms of body work, but not followed by a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles that can cause fatigue. Besides yoga does not give undue stress on the heart and nervous system, as if the body caused by the other. After reading the above description, do you think hatha yoga is the best of the other forms of body work? According to the authors, all forms of body work is good. Each brings a positive effect on the health of the human body and they have a distinct advantage. Comparison of the authors have described is not to find which one is best, but to see the advantages of each form of body (in this case is demonstrating yoga). It is clear that yoga brings many benefits for your health, but humans choose the form of exercise that suits your interests / tastes. Everyone needs to express different container body, emotions, mind. No one wants to 'sculpt' the body beautiful as possible, there are going to shrink the stomach, there are just want to sweat and get a sense of 'well being' and others who want to get physical and spiritual health. They all die back to an individual. Yoga and Healthy Relationships Now almost everyone on the planet would have heard of yoga and in line with the rise of the yoga, as well as news coverage about yoga, the right information about what yoga is more easily obtained. Similarly, information on the effects of yoga on health. If we use a search engine on the internet for the topic 'yoga and health' then come a lot of entry on the prestigious medical journals that discuss the topic. Under goggles medicine, yoga center get a lot of research and the scientist get satisfactory results.

Here is a list of many physical ailments that have been proven to be slowed, reduced, even cured by yoga: Acidity, heartburn (heart disease), INTOXICATION (poisoning), allergies (allergies), ALZHEIMER (medical conditions that cause dementia or memory loss), anemia (lack of blood), anxiety (worry superfluous), Nervous TENSION (nerve pressure) , arthritis (joint pain), asthma (asthma), BACK PAIN (pain of the spine), bronchitis (inflammation of the throat), CANCER (cancer), cardiac, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (high blood pressure), carpal tunnel syndrome (a disease that causes nerve pain and weakness in the hand), Chronic Fatigue (acute fatigue), colitis (swelling in the large intestine), COMMON COLD (flu), Constipation (constipation), Diabetes (sugar disease), epilepsy (seizures), EYE PROBLEMS (in eye disease ), Facial wrinkles (wrinkles), gastro-intestinal disorders (diseases related to stomach and digestion), headaches (headache), migraines (migraine headaches), hemorrhoids (piles), HEPATITIS (liver disease), IMMUNIE Deficiency (resistance body is reduced), impotence (impotence), Sterility (hard to have offspring), INSOMNIA (difficulty sleeping), STONE kidney (kidney stones), multiple sclerosis (neurological disease that causes the body's immune system does not work perfectly, muscle weakness, blurred eye sight , hard to speak even total paralysis), DISTROPHY muscular (muscle weakness), obesity (overweight), Osteoporosis (bone Perapuhan), PROSTATE enlargement (swelling of the prostate gland), SKIN PROBLEMS, sleep apnea, slipped DISK (cartilage that separates the bone segments backs shifted out of place), sciatica (pain in the pelvis caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve), thyroid PROBLEMS (swelling of the thyroid gland), MENOPAUSE (the end of the menstrual cycle in women), menstrual cramps (cramps during menstruation), Urinary Tract Disorder FOR WOMEN , VAGINAL infections (infection of the female genitals), etc.. Yoga can be therapeutic for diseases above if practiced in accordance with the following principles: Done regularly. Practicing yoga regularly helps stretch and strengthen muscles, flex joints and strengthen bones and hormones stimulate spending on a regular basis Breathe deeply. Yoga breathing techniques increase lung capacity for the process of respiration becomes optimal. Yoga breathing techniques also help to strengthen the internal organs and increases the body's ability to relax Balanced diet. A balanced diet and meet the nutritional intake for the body will improve holistic health saecara Get plenty of rest. It's important balance between work and rest for the body's health is always in tip top condition. Think positive. Mind / spiritual input should always be positive in order to awake the mental and emotional health. There is a correlation between the mind and body. Positive thoughts greatly assist the process of recovery from disease By practicing yoga, followed by five principles, the writer believes the therapeutic benefits of yoga can be enjoyed by everyone. Basically, the human body has the ability to heal itself naturally. Yoga helps the body to its systems can work optimally and efficiently. If the body's systems working optimally, the body had reached the condition of homeostasis or equilibrium. The following are the benefits obtained from a variety of yoga postures (asanas): Exercising all the muscles of the body, because there are muscles that are rarely used even in many sports hard though. Increase the intake of oxygen to the brain and into the body system Stimulating the nerves in the spine Accelerate blood circulation Stimulates hormonal glands (endocrine system) in the body Massaging the internal organs Stabilizing function of the body, Increasing a sense of comfort, ease and stress free, Improving behavior (nature and attitude) is not good, Improving self-confidence, More positive mindset and self-esteem (self-esteem), Slow aging and improve overall health (holistic). Because a lot of benefits to be gained from a variety of yoga postures is that more and more doctors are recommending yoga to their patients. The progress of modern medicine also helps yoga with intensive research conducted on the effects of therapeutic yoga and the results were published in many medical journals. Mental and Emotional Health Yoga can also help the process of healing from emotional problems and mental. Lots of practitioners who reported emotional state is much improved after her yoga routine. Why such things happen? Let's look back at the beginning of this paper. Yoga is an ancient science which saw humans as multi aspect / dimension. Humans do not only exist at the physical level alone, it also exists at the level of mental, emotional, and spiritual. Many modern people who are not aware of the relationship between these aspects. The condition of a healthy mental and emotional take part in creating one's physical health. Healthy physical condition will also bring more health in the mental and emotional aspects of human beings. Modern medicine also started looking at the mental aspect of it as one of the important factors that support health. This is evidenced by the case of the placebo effect in which a patient can be cured with the suggestion that the 'cure' that he drank to cure the illness. Though he is just taking a sugar pill. The linkage between every human aspect is very aware of the practice of hatha yoga. From the first, the Rishi has found an association or a close relationship between the body and the mind. That certain mental conditions associated with a typical biological mechanisms, and that there is a relationship between emotional states and the production of hormones in the body. Linking body and soul influenced by the endocrine glands, the glands that regulate a complex body of work effectiveness by enabling certain glands to secrete hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones have a variety of effects, not only on the body's functions, such as growth, digestion, heating, energy, sex, etc., but it also affects the mind. Desperate, sense of helplessness, anger, or jealousy are negative emotions emsoi resulting from negative thoughts that create hormonal imbalances and lead to increased production of abnormal cells. This is the origin of the disease. In contrast, positive feelings will result in positive things anyway Therefore, in yoga, in addition to treating the physical aspect, the breath was processed because breath is the bridge between body and mind. The mind is also not spared processed and empowered through meditation. What about the emotional aspects? Emotion is the fruit of the mind. Mind treated well able to create a good and positive emotions as well. Getting emotional well then breathing becomes deeper and relaxed, your body responds by secreting hormones smoothly so that all body systems working properly. These are all serious benefits to be gained from yoga and finally the perfect balance between mind and body can be obtained by a practitioner. If the mind and body have been dancing in the rhythm of harmony then opened the gate for yoga practitioners to attain Self Realization, realizing that if he existed on a spiritual level, the level of the cosmos. And depart from this level then we can really be a true man, God's caliph on earth who always spread love and peace.
Source :  I have translated into English
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Food for Endurance Body


Ensure 12 meals for endurance following, there's always at the table every day alternately as supporting the immune system. 

Spinach green. Contains about 1827 micrograms of vitamin A (in the form of beta kariten) contained in 100 grams of spinach. Beta carotene works to fight free radicals. Spinach also contains bioflavonoids which, when present in the body's tissues to work against carcinogens, or in other words, prevent cancer. 
Fungi. Containing selenium is involved in the action of T cells and NK cells that destroy cancer cells or cells infected. Shiitake mushrooms also contain many types of calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B2, B3 and B12 also contains 16 calories / day to 68 grams of mushrooms.
Milk. Composition contains prebiotics, which are useful for maintaining gastrointestinal function. That's because, a healthy digestive system is the beginning of a strong immune system. The benefits of prebiotics is to support the growth of good bacteria and prevent the growth of bad bacteria (pathogens), strengthens the walls of the digestive tract and helps produce vitamin K which is necessary in blood clotting. Milk also contains fat, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine and olega-3. vitamin in the milk is also full with vitamins A, B2, D, E and K.
Oranges. Contains vitamin C Establishing a role in immunity, including anti-oxidant and free radical able to fight, and to increase the production of antibodies. The content of bioflavonoids and carotenoids prevent cancer. Oranges also contain folic acid (vitamin B9) is important in pregnancy for preventing congenital abnormalities in the baby, such as summing lips. Abnormalities of the palate, limb abnormalities and cardiac abnormalities.
Lean red meat. 100 grams of beef contains 4 mg zinc (zinc) that can establish and strengthen the immune system, the growth process dna accelerate wound healing. It also contains about 17 mg of selenium useful in the production of antibodies. The main source of protein that also contains iron, vitamin B complex, vitamin A, fat and calcium.
Potatoes. Contains vitamin B6 change and break down protein, plays a key role in shaping the antibody and endurance. It also contains vitamin C, copper, potassium, manganese and carotenoids.
Source :  I have translated into English.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Building a Nation's Character


Character Development

Self-discipline is essential in any effort to build and shape the character of a person, an organization, and a community of nations. For in relation to a person-character implies (1) a positive quality of a person, so make it interesting and attractive, (2) a person's reputation, and (3) a person who has a personality that is unusual or eccentric. The root of the word "character" can be traced from the Latin word "kharakter", "kharassein", and "kharax", which means "tools for marking", "to Engrave", and "pointed stake". This term is more often used (again) in French "Caractere" in the 14th century and later entered the English language to "character", before finally being Indonesian "character". In Poerwadarminta Dictionary, character is defined as a character; temperament; psychological traits, morals or manners that distinguish one person than another. With the definition above we can say that build character (character building) is the process of carving or sculpting soul in such a way that "shaped" unique, interesting, and different or can be distinguished from others. Like a letter in the alphabet that was never equal to one another, so the people of character can be distinguished from one another (including those that do not / have not been characterized or "characteristic" deplorable). On the formation of this character may be mentioned a big name: Helen Keller (1880-1968). This amazing woman-she became blind and deaf at the age of 19 months, but thanks to the help of his family and the guidance Annie Sullivan (who is also blind, and after a series of operations can finally see a limited basis) and then became the first deaf-blind man who graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College in 1904 - once said, "Character can not be develop in ease and quite. Only through experience of trial and Suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success Achieved. " That sentence probably sums up his life story very inspirational. Through a long struggle and persistence are difficult to beat, he then became one of the great heroes of American history who received numerous awards nationally and internationally for his accomplishments and dedication (see homepage Helen Keller is a model of the human character (commendable). And his history demonstrates how the process of building a character that requires discipline because it is never easy and immediate or instant. Deep reflection necessary to make a series of moral choice (moral judgments) and followed up with concrete action so that it becomes praxis, reflection, and practice. Needed some time to make those custom (habit) and form the character or nature of a person (Andrias, 2006).

Source :  I have translated into English.

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Homeschooling Means of Non-Formal Learning

Homeschooling is one alternative education (non-formal) is done independently which is generally done in-house learning activities. Homeschooling is often referred to as home school, independent schools, home education or home based learning. these terms in accordance with the meaning of homeschooling is learning at home and assisted independent outsiders as giving directions or other information sources.

at first, teaching and learning activities in the homeschooling done at home. but the subsequent development of teaching and learning activities homeschooling is not only done at home but can also be done in nature or in the office homeschooling provider or a combination of home, work and nature.
parents are generally free to educate their children by the method of homeschooling because homeschooling is something new in the world of education in Indonesia so that they do not want to take the risk. one of the things that makes them hesitant to take the path on the legality of homeschooling homeschooling from the government and they fear their children difficult to continue their education into the formal school a higher level. however, it can be argued, as the government has set / guarantee homeschooling activities in the legislation.

homeschooling program is generally divided into two types:   - Individual home schooling on homeschooling individual, the number of students who learn only one person. so the teaching and learning activities there is only 1 student and 1 teacher (parents, sister, tutor, etc.)
-Homeschooling community the homeschooling community, the number of students who learn more than one person. usually all students who take the homeschooling program merged into one. making teaching and learning more fun.

Homeschooling advantages compared to formal schools: 1. flexible learning schedule students can determine the schedule in accordance with the desire of learning so that students can learn at the time was in the mood to learn and not learn at a less than pleasant mood (bad mood).

2. students can learn with the people he had come to on homeschooling, students can learn with anyone who think students are very pleasant and also in accordance with the character of students. such as parents, older brother, a tutor, a musical, an image, etc.. 3. students can avoid things that are less good at formal schools no little thing is lacking both in formal school brawl, alcohol, drugs, hazing, pornography, sex acts, etc. 4. students can learn additional material that he had come to in addition to learning the common material that is in formal schools, students can also learn other material that students enjoy. such as painting, dancing, singing, musical instruments etc. 5. costs can be adjusted to the ability of parents lately a lot of agencies that provide services provider homeschooling homeschooling better learning services at home, office or nature. each institution offering varying prices. ranging from the cheapest to the most expensive.

in addition to advantages, homeschooling also has weaknesses include: 1. students tend Ansos (anti-social) accordance with the understanding that homeschooling has been discussed above, in general, students are more likely to homeschooling students Ansos (anti-social). this is because the student was very little interaction with others. but this can be overcome by choosing the method of home schooling groups or so-called homeschooling community. 2. parents should take an active role in the homeschooling program fortunately today many agencies that offer services that can ease the burden of homeschooling parents in caring for their children's education. okay, that much of my first explanation. hopefully enlightenment. so the visitors of this blog would choose homeschooling or formal school?? I submit the answer to each one personally. important, the choice to do whatever is best for your child ..

Source :  I have translated into English.
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