Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Injuries in Football


Football is a fun game. This sport is a favorite sport in Indonesia. However, the nature of football that demands speed, physical strength, and the convergence of both sides competing players without limiting the area can cause injury to players. Injury is any damage to the structure or function of the body due to the coercion or physical or chemical stress. In football, injuries mainly due to physical pressure. We may have heard the story of Marco van Basten should quit football because of injury or long stories other footballers who enter the operating room due to manhandling by the opponent. Injury can eliminate future football players. In addition, a large fee to be paid to improve the function of the body is missing. We know that Marco van Basten had to give up his golden era as a player does not disappear because of injuries heal. I look forward to all the team players and officials to put the safety factor and the future of the player (which may also students) were significantly higher than the winning team only. 

A. Cause of Injury 
Injuries can be caused by a lack of warm up and stretch before playing or physical impact. Heating is an important condition for the players before entering the field. Players are advised to warm up about 15 minutes before playing. With heating, prepare the players and cardiac muscle to physical activity during play football. Physical impact in football can be caused by the ball on the ground and other objects such as grass, sand / dirt, goalposts, shoes, and body parts opponent. Mild physical impact could cause minor injuries such as cuts and abrasions wound is not too wide. Harsh physical impact could cause serious consequences such as head injury (trauma capitis), blunt trauma to the internal organs, as well as broken bones. 

B. Possible types of Injury in Football
  • Wounds (abrasions / shredded)
Wounds can be seen from the onset of signs of redness on the skin until the skin rips bleed.
  • Cramps (cramp / spasm)
Muscle cramps are caused by muscle fatigue, dehydration, decreased levels of calcium and potassium in the blood. Muscle fatigue is the most frequent calf (often referred to as rising calf) although the thigh muscles are also quite susceptible to the same thing. Muscles that fatigue would cause pain varies from mild to moderate. Cramped muscles will feel hard done by muscle contraction (shortening of muscle fibers).
  • A torn muscle, broken tendon, ruptured tendon (tendon rupture)
Traditionally, the first two injuries is known as a sprain. This injury is usually caused by a lack of warm-up, stretching, or tackling hard on the knees / ankles. A torn / broken tendon characterized by impaired joint movement. Tendons will drop immediately intrigued by the muscle and had a falling out with the other tendon attaches to the bone. The tendons were broken requiring surgery. Sometimes, the tendon can also shift from its attach. Partially ruptured tendon in the heel can be seen as a swelling on the tendon to rupture.
  • Broken / Cracked bone
Fractures small and long bones can occur in football. Errors in body position or tackling hard landing can cause fractures. If this happens, the player will feel the pain. Skeletal deformities can be readily observed if the fracture fragments shift (sliding). If it is not bone deformities, fractures can be identified with the onset of sound crepitatio (like crick, crick) when the two bone fragments driven. Bone fracture in calf pipe are readily observed in the presence of malformations (defects). However, fractures in the thigh difficult observed. Femur fractures are very likely cause a lot of bleeding, severe pain due to a thigh muscle memendekknya so people will soon enter into a state of shock due to bleeding.
  • Blunt trauma (punch / elbow / kick) to the body
Blunt trauma to the abdomen, at first, will show the injury (the injury) on the skin where the impact occurred. If the impact is hard and the abdominal organs such as the intestines, stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen bleeding will occur due to the wound. Bleeding is usually not visible / not visible. Bleeding organs will cause a reaction hypovolemic shock and peritonitis (inflammation of the stomach) because a lot of the volume of blood flowing into the abdominal cavity.

Source : I have translated into English

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